Scholarship for 6 years (Junior 1 to Junior 3, Senior 1 to Senior 3) 六年奖学金(初一至初三,高一至高三)
Scholarship amount up to a maximum of RM6,000 per year per student 每位学生的奖学金金额每年高达RM6,000
Applicant must be a Malaysian citizen 申请人必须是马来西亚公民
Applicant must have completed primary education at SJKC 申请人必须是完成华小毕业生
Applicant must be accepted by ICS prior to scholarship application 申请人必须被独中录取方可申请奖学金
Applicant's family combined monthly income should be less than RM6,250 申请人父母或监护人及其配偶(如有)每月总收入不得超过RM6,250
Applicant must complete the online assessment organised by YCF and submit the Standard 6 Year-End PBD Assessment Report - Details of the online assessment will be informed via email/WhatsApp after your online application has been received 申请人必须完成育才基金举办的线上考试并提交小六年终课堂评估报告 (PBD) - 线上考试的时间将会在申请结束后通过电邮/WhatsApp通知)
Successful applicant (i.e. YCF Scholar) shall maintain a minimum average score of Grade C or 50 marks for all subjects (including Chinese Language Subject) in order to continue the scholarship for subsequent years 成功获得育才奖学金的申请人需确保其总平均及华文成绩保持在C等级或50分以上才得以继续来年的奖学金
Applicant who is already receiving other scholarship / bursary will not be considered 获得其他奖学金 / 助学金的申请人将不予以考虑
Scholarship will not be considered for more than one member of the same family in the same year unless circumstances exist to warrant an exception 在同年内同一家庭超过一名成员的奖学金申请将不予以考虑,特殊情况除外
Application is now closed
Upon completing the online application, kindly note that you will need to post all your hardcopy documents (certified true copy) to our office by 25th February 2023
Attention to: Ms. Elaine
Yu Cai Foundation (ICS Scholarship)
Level 35, Menara Maxis,
Kuala Lumpur City Centre,
50088 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
**Please send via Pos Laju 请用 Pos Laju 邮寄
If you have any queries, you may contact us via the contact details below 如有任何疑问,可以使用以下的联络方式联系我们:
Email 电邮
Telephone 电话: 03-2380 6411
Facebook 脸书: